Mighty Menu Bar

I've cycled through a number of apps that live up in that 23 pixel high space at the top of my screen, but there are few that remain. But those that do, not only remain but are part of my everyday work habits. Their tasks are mostly mundane but essential to making my work easier in one way or another.
A small twitter app that allows you to focus by only allowing you to communicate out. No twitter stream here, just your tweets.
This shouldn't need an explanation, but if so, it's a cloud-based storage space.
Site / You can download the app on their site.
A productivity app, but really much more powerful and easier than any other I've tried to incorporate into my workflow.
A nifty little notification system that integrates with most of your other apps that need to tell you something. I find this theme to be the best.
A personal budget application. A great tool to look at your spending and cashflow. Haven't used it for business purposes, but could be interesting.
A powerful little app that allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files and provides a shortened link perfect for when characters are limited.
Keep track of who's following and unfollowing you on twitter as well those amazing tweets that were favorited. It's a nice replacement for all those emails.
This is the newest addition, but I find I use it everyday since. Easily grab some latin text for that concept you're working on and not miss a beat.
Mobile Mouse Server
A powerful app that's evolved over the last couple of years. It puts your iPhone in control of your computer—great for presentations or when your laptop is your media center.
Hope they are helpful and that you found a new little gem. What am I missing? Are there menu bar apps that you can't live without? Respond in the comments below.
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